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AutoOpen Android settings
IOS AutoOpen settings
Add usersAny user in the app with administrator permissions can add new users to the controller, allowing them to open the gate. Here are the steps to do so: 1. Click on the "Settings" button (gear icon) next to the name of the gate where you want to add the user. 2. Click on "Admin Options." 3. Click on "Users." 4. Click on the "+" button on the right. 5. In the screen that opens, fill in the details of the new user. 6. After entering the details and selecting permission options, click "Save" at the top left. The user’s phone number can be in various formats, such as: 052… or 52… You can also add a landline phone number with a prefix, for example: 03… or 3… If the user has a foreign SIM card with a prefix other than 972 (Israel’s prefix), click on 972 and select the country or prefix for the country to which the SIM belongs, such as the USA - 1. **User Permission Options:** - **Exit 1** - Cannot be disabled (for systems with two exits, you can designate which exit the user is authorized for). - **Emergency Lock for Exit 1** - An emergency function that allows the gate to be locked. - **Assign Administrator** - This option grants the user system administrator capabilities (Note: One administrator can remove another from the system). - **Open via Dialing** - Allows the gate to be opened by dialing a phone number (useful for users without a smartphone or with a landline). Without enabling this option, the user can only open the gate via the app. - **Linked Device** - Allows the user to "mirror" their permissions to an additional device, such as a tablet or in-car multimedia system.
Widget installTo enable quick and convenient opening of gates/doors from your phone’s main screen without entering the PalGate app, it’s possible to install a widget that allows a single-tap opening command. To install a widget on the main screen of an Android phone, follow these steps: Press and hold an empty area on the main screen of your Android phone. Select “Widgets.” From the available options, find “PalGate” and press and hold it. While holding, place the button on the main screen. In the list of authorized gates that opens, tap the down arrow next to the gate name you wish to assign to the widget. Adjust the size of the button on the main screen. Tap an empty space to confirm the widget activation. There is no limit to the number of "buttons" you can add to the home screen. Note! To ensure the proper operation of the PalGate widget, it is recommended to enable battery optimization. Attached is an instructional video on adding the widget to the home screen.
Google Home/AssistanceAny user with an Android smartphone can open the gate using voice commands. **Note!** The gate/door name must appear in English in the app for it to work with Google Assistant/Home! You can find instructions for changing the gate name via the link here. **Steps for Initial Setup of Google Assistant on Android Devices:** 1. Open the Google or Chrome app. 2. Tap on your picture or name at the top to access your profile details. 3. Select "Google Assistant settings" (some devices may require you to perform "Voice Match" setup – this step is mandatory to continue). 4. Scroll down and tap on "Devices." 5. Tap on "Add Device." 6. Tap on "Device Link." 7. In the list that opens, find the PalGate app. 8. Tap **Connect account**. 9. Tap **Confirm** (Connect). You can now say: “Hey Google, Open… [gate name in English].” **Options for Opening with Google Assistant:** Each option is available separately for each gate: - **Immediate Opening** - **Opening with Code** – After saying the opening command, Google will request a password. Only after saying the correct password will the opening command be sent to the system. - **Request Confirmation** – After saying the opening command, Google will ask if you are sure you want to open the gate. Once you respond “Yes,” the opening command will be sent to the system.
Language changeEvery user in the PalGate app can change the interface language. The change will affect only that user’s display. **How to Change the Language in the App:** 1. On the app’s main screen, tap on the three lines (side menu). 2. Tap on “Language.” 3. In the list that opens, select the desired language and tap on it. 4. Immediately after selection, the app will display in the chosen language.
Auto openHere is a brief guide on how to set up automatic opening with the PalGate app on iPhone and Android devices: Note! This function is supported on the new SPIDER devices.
Users managementSimilar to adding new users to the system, an administrator can change permissions for existing users. **How to Change Permissions for an Existing User:** 1. Go to "Settings" (gear icon) next to the gate’s name. 2. Click on "Admin Options." 3. Click on "Users." 4. Locate the user in the list you wish to modify and click on them. 5. Adjust the permission "switches" as needed. 6. Click "Save." **User Permission Options:** - **Exit 1** - Cannot be disabled (for systems with two exits, you can designate which exit the user is authorized for). - **Emergency Lock for Exit 1** - An emergency function that allows the gate to be locked. - **Assign Administrator** - This option grants the user system administrator capabilities (Note: One administrator can remove another from the system). - **Open via Dialing** - Allows the gate to be opened by dialing a phone number (useful for users without a smartphone or with a landline). Without enabling this option, the user can only open the gate via the app. - **Linked Device** - Allows the user to "mirror" their permissions to an additional device, such as a tablet or in-car multimedia system.
History logAny user with administrator permissions in the system can view the last 50 actions performed on the controller. In the online management interface, it is possible to see an unlimited history of actions since the controller’s installation. **How to Use and Check Action History:** 1. Click on "Settings" (gear icon) next to the gate’s name. 2. Click on "Admin Options." 3. Click on "History." In the list that opens, you can see recent actions with the following details: - **User** (phone number, remote control, or name) who accessed the system. - **Time** of access. - **Method of access** (dialing, app, remote control, vehicle sensor, Siri, Google Assistant, Google Home). - **Status** of access request - successful or unsuccessful. - **Exit** (for controllers with two exits, the number of the exit the user accessed will be displayed).
PalGate App installationTo install the PalGate app, go to the app stores for Android (Play Store) or iPhone (App Store). **App Installation and Registration Process (identical for both operating systems):** 1. Download the app from the appropriate app store based on your device model (Android or iPhone). 2. Click on “Open.” 3. Enter the user’s phone number. You will immediately receive an SMS with a 5-digit verification code. 4. Enter the code received via SMS. For Android devices, the code is usually detected automatically. 5. Enter the user's name. 6. Click “Continue” or “Finish.” If the user's phone number is already registered to one or more gates, they will appear immediately. If the phone number is not authorized for any gate, a message will appear: “You are not authorized at this gate.” If you receive the message “You are not authorized at this gate,” please contact the system administrator (homeowners’ association, management company, gate company, etc.) to ensure the number has been correctly registered. Pal Electronics does not intervene in system management, including adding or removing users. Attached is a short video explaining the app installation on the iOS system:
LegendIn the PalGate app, there are standardized icons that represent existing permissions or activated functions, such as the emergency command. Administrator - If this symbol appears next to the gate name, it means the user is designated as an administrator for this gate. Normal Operation - This will appear next to each gate name as long as no emergency locks (orange indicators) are active. Emergency Lock Activated - Activated by an authorized user (does not need to be an administrator for the gate). Exit Disabled by Administrator - The gate cannot be opened due to an emergency lock. Please contact the system administrator for further assistance and to release the lock.
Change icon and gate nameEach user can change the gate’s name as it appears in their list and customize the gate icon with a different color. This allows for ease of use and quick identification of the desired gate, especially if the user has authorization for multiple gates. **To make these changes:** 1. Open the PalGate app. 2. Click on the settings icon (gear) next to the desired gate name. 3. In the settings screen that opens, click on the rotating arrow or "+" sign. 4. You can now select a different color and image for the icon. 5. To change the gate's name, click on the pencil icon next to the gate name. All changes made on this screen affect only this user’s display and not that of all users, even if the action is performed by an administrator. Changing the gate/door name for all users can only be done through the online management interface. A short instructional video on using this feature is attached.
Delete AccountAt PalGate, we respect your privacy and are committed to ensuring that your personal data is handled securely and transparently. If you wish to delete your account and all associated data from our systems, please follow the steps outlined below. Important Warning Please Note: Deleting your account will result in the permanent deletion of all your data, including registered devices, linked services such as Android Auto, Google Assistant, Widgets, and your profile picture. This action is irreversible. Steps to Request Account Deletion 1. Open PalGate Application 2. Navigate to the settings menu by tapping the three dots icon on the top of the screen: 3. Scroll down and find the “Delete My Account” button: 4. Enter full number (country code + phone number) for confirmation 5. Press "DELETE MY ACCOUNT" red button 6. You will be prompted to confirm your decision. Click "DELETE MY ACCOUNT" Data Deletion and Retention When you request the deletion of your account, the following data will be permanently deleted from our systems: • Personal Information: This includes your name, email address, and any other personally identifiable information provided during registration. • Account Activity: All records of your activity within PalGate, including but not limited to, preferences, and settings. • Registered Devices and Services: All registered devices and services such as Android Auto, Google Assistant, Widgets, and profile pictures. Data Retention Certain types of data may be retained even after account deletion due to legal and regulatory requirements: • Usage Logs: As a gate opening app, logs of previous gate openings and associated usage data may be retained for security and compliance purposes.
Latch relayThere are several options for relay locking in the system, which can keep the gate open or closed, even for authorized users. Using relay locking (as opposed to a timer, where days and hours for opening are pre-set) can be done at any time, based on the authorized user’s decision. To use this function, the user must be granted access to it, even if they are an administrator in the system! **Meanings of N.C., N, and N.O.:** - **N.O. - Normally open** - The gate will remain closed and will not open for anyone, including authorized users. - **N - Normal** - Normal operating mode of the gate. - **N.C. - Normally close** - The gate will stay open and will not close until it’s returned to normal operating mode. **How to Grant Relay Locking Permission to a User:** 1. Go to the settings of the gate for which you want to grant permission. 2. Click on "Admin Options." 3. Click on "Users." 4. Find the user to whom you want to add the permission (if granting permission to yourself, enter your own user profile). 5. Enable the "Exit Lock" function. 6. Save. **There are two ways to activate relay locking:** **First Option:** 1. Go to the gate settings. 2. Click on "Admin Options." 3. In the menu that opens, select the desired option: N.C., N, or N.O. **Second Option:** 1. Long press on the gate name. 2. In the pop-up window, confirm the action by clicking "OK." After activating the relay lock, an orange icon will appear next to the gate name, indicating that the lock is active.
Device LinkingEvery authorized user (enabled by default for all users) can use the **Device Linking** function. If the function is not enabled, any administrator of the unit can change the user’s permissions and enable it at their discretion. This function allows the PalGate app to be used on a tablet or in-car multimedia system without a SIM card or phone number for registration, using the same user account with the exact same gates. short instructional video on how to activate this service:
Battery optimizeTo enable the proper functioning of widgets on the main screen, it is recommended to perform battery optimization. Follow these steps: 1. On your phone's main screen, locate the PalGate app icon. 2. Press and hold the icon to open a menu. 3. Select "Info" or "App info." 4. Tap on “Battery.” 5. Select “Optimize battery usage.” 6. Choose “All” to display all apps on the phone. 7. In the list that opens, search for “PalGate” in English and tap on it. 8. Toggle the switch to "Off." Now you can use the widgets properly. A short instructional video on battery optimization is attached.
Add new deviceAdding a controller to the system and activating it for the first time is done by the gate company or an authorized installer. Once the controller has been activated by an installer for the first time, it cannot be reactivated by another user, even if that user is intended to be an administrator in the system. In this case, the installer must add the user to the system and assign them as an administrator. **To activate a controller for the first time, follow these steps:** 1. Open the PalGate app and tap on the three lines on the right to open the side menu. 2. Tap on “Add New Unit.” 3. The phone camera will open (if the app requests camera access, tap “Allow”). 4. Point the camera at the QR code on the back of the device or its box – the serial number and code will be detected automatically. 5. If you prefer to enter the details manually or the sticker is unavailable, tap on “Manual.” 6. Enter the serial number (S/N) of the controller (begins with 3G…, 4G…, BT…, or RD…). 7. Enter the 5-digit code located beneath the serial number. 8. Enter the gate’s name (this name will appear for all users authorized for the gate in the app). 9. Enter the gate address and select from the suggestions in the pop-up box. If the address isn’t available, simply enter the city or town name. 10. Tap “Save.” The controller will immediately appear in “My Systems,” and you can begin using it. You may now proceed to add/manage users.
Device>ToolsAn administrator or installer in the system can make changes that affect all users, with one of the most important being the "Tools" function. Using "Tools," you can delete all users in the system with one click. Delete the controller from the system (all users will be deleted immediately and cannot be restored, even if the controller is re-added). Duplicate a controller in case of a fault, requiring replacement. All users and timers will transfer automatically and immediately to the new controller. Note! Time groups do not transfer during the duplication process and will need to be recreated and reassigned. To duplicate a controller due to an upgrade or fault: Click on "Duplicate Controller" and fill in the following fields from the QR code sticker on the new controller in the menu that appears. Important! After duplicating the controller and confirming it is set up correctly, delete the users/old controller to prevent users from seeing two controllers (where one is faulty and will display an error message each time they attempt to open it).
LogsAn administrator can view recent actions using the PalGate app, which is limited to the last 50 actions, or through the online interface, which is unlimited and shows data since the controller’s setup. **Accessing and Viewing Action History:** 1. Go to "Devices" in the left-side menu in the management interface. 2. Locate and enter the desired controller. 3. In the top toolbar, click on "History."
Add new deviceAdding a controller to the system and activating it for the first time is done by the gate company or an authorized installer. Once the controller has been activated by an installer for the first time, it cannot be reactivated by another user, even if they are intended to be an administrator in the system. In this case, the installer must add the user to the app or their management interface and designate them as an administrator in the system. A short instructional video on activating a new controller is attached.
Manage usersAny user with administrator permissions can add users to the system through the app or their management interface. Here is an instructional video on how to add a new user in the online management interface:
TimersYou can add timers in which you set specific times for the gate to remain open. There is no limit to the number of timers in the system. Here is an instructional video on adding timers in the online management interface:
Sign up for web portalTo connect to the online management interface, the user must purchase an annual subscription through the gate company or the installer who set up the system. When purchasing the annual subscription, the user should provide the installer with an email address, to which an invitation for registration will be sent by Pal Electronics. Upon receiving the registration email, click the "REGISTER" button to continue. **Note!** Sometimes the email may end up in the spam folder. Fill in the fields as shown in the image. At the end of the process, click "CREATE AN ACCOUNT." After registration, ask the installer or gate company to "link" the controllers to the user for management purposes!
DashboardWhen accessing each managed controller in the online management interface, information about he controller is displayed. Here are explanations for each piece of displayed information: - **Status** - Shows real-time information on whether the controller is connected or disconnected from the network and the current time on the controller. If the controller has been disconnected for more than 24 hours, the last connected date will be displayed. - **Health** - All technical information about the controller displayed in graphs. - **Name** - Any name or note that the installer or user can enter for the controller; this information is shown only in the management interface and is not visible to all users. - **Users** - The number of users authorized on the controller. - **Address** - The address entered during the initial setup of the controller. Since it is entered manually, it may appear partially, at the city or town level. - **Phone Number** - The phone number used for gate opening by authorized users through dialing. If the SIM card provided with the system is from Pal Electronics, the number will be displayed automatically, even if replaced with another Pal SIM card. - **Relay 1 Name** - The name of the gate as displayed to all users in the app. Changing the name here will affect and display the updated name to all users in the app.
Web portal LOGINThere are several ways to connect to the management interface: 1. Go to the Pal Electronics website ([]( and click on "Web portal Login" in the main toolbar. 2. Click here to go to the login page. 3. Enter your username (email address). 4. Enter your personal password. 5. Click "LOGIN." For the first login, it’s recommended to watch the instructional video on system operation. Tutorial videos
Time groupsThe system administrator can restrict a user or group of users to open the gate only on specific days of the week or at specific times. There is no limit to the number of "Time Groups" you can create, and different users can be assigned to each, such as: employees, suppliers, managers, morning/evening staff, etc. **To restrict a user, first create the necessary restriction as follows:** 1. Go to "Controllers" in the left-side menu. 2. Locate the controller you want to modify and click on it. 3. In the top toolbar, click on "Settings." 4. In the submenu, click on "Time Group." 5. Click on "+" to create a new group, and you will see the following screen: 6. Enter a name for the group. 7. Enter a start and end date (optional). 8. Enter times from left to right: from ... to ... (specifying when users are allowed to open the gate). 9. Select the desired days. 10. Click on the green "+" if there are multiple time periods for the same group. 11. Click "Save" when done. A group with a unique ID will be created immediately (see example image). **Assigning a User to the Time Group:** 1. In the top toolbar, click on "Users." 2. Find the user you want to assign to the group and restrict by time. 3. Click on the "Time Group" row. 4. In the menu, select the group name you created and click on it. 5. Click "Save" to save your changes.
ChartsThe system includes the option to view technical graphs about the controllers, including signal strength, voltage, cellular transmission interference, and more. **Detailed Explanation of the Display:** - **Time Frame Selection** - Allows you to choose time frames for which the information will be displayed, ranging from one hour to two weeks. - **Display Timestamp** - Shows information with an exact timestamp for the current data being displayed. - **Voltage Meter** - Displays the voltage history in the controller over the selected time frame. Range: 0-40 volts. Normal range = 12/24 volts direct DC with no fluctuations. - **Cellular Signal Strength Meter** - Shows the signal strength in the controller over the selected time frame. Range: 1-30. A healthy parameter is above 5. - **BER Interference Meter** - Shows the level of interference in cellular transmissions over the selected time frame. Any noise above 8 can cause disruptions in the controller’s operation, resulting in the device being connected but unresponsive to calls or app requests. Range: 0-10. A healthy parameter is below 8. - **Cellular Network Generation** - Displays information about the cellular network generation to which the controller is connected over the selected time frame. The device can automatically switch to the best available cellular signal in the installation area, similar to a smartphone. - **Connectivity Meter** - Shows information about disconnections over the selected time frame. A healthy range is as close to 100% as possible. - **Multi-Meter** - Combines data from all the graphs into a single graph for the selected time frame.
AntennasAntenna Types There are different types of external antennas to improve signal strength or range. Installing an external antenna is recommended in areas with weak reception or where there is a desire to extend the range for remotes, road sensors, or Bluetooth. Antenna Types: 3G/4G External Antenna - Part No. ANT1009 - Used to boost cellular signal strength. Unique Feature: Plastic antenna with a male connector. 433Mhz External Antenna - Part No. ANT1005 - Used to extend the reception range of Pal Electronics remotes or road sensors. Unique Feature: Iron antenna with a coil in the middle and a male connector. Bluetooth External Antenna - Part No. ANT1002 - Used to extend the reception range of Pal Electronics’ Bluetooth controller. Unique Feature: Iron antenna with a coil in the middle and a female connector.
RFID systemThe long-range RFID system by Pal Electronics operates with approval from the Israeli Ministry of Communications. The system allows for the use of RFID tags (stickers for car windows), RFID cards (credit card size), and gate opening via the PalGate app or dialing. System Features: Ability to detect tags from a distance of approximately 10 meters (depending on installation conditions). Passive tags - no batteries required. No user limit. Control and management from anywhere in the world via an online management interface (subscription required). Data import and export in Excel files. Supports all 3G/4G networks worldwide. Optical relay. Ability to set relay duration. Below are demonstration videos of installed systems:
ManualsBelow is a summary of the user guide for the initial operation of all Pal Electronics systems.
Wiegand 26The Wiegand 26 system allows you to connect any simple external system that supports the Wiegand 26 communication protocol, such as entry keypads, tag readers, fingerprint readers, etc., and transform them into smart controllers managed from anywhere in the world via the online management interface. System Features: No limit on the number of users. Allows opening from anywhere in the world via the PalGate app or dialing. Supports Pal Electronics remotes or road sensors. Real-time alerts via push notifications to the app or email. Supports timers and time groups. Compatible with all 3G/4G networks worldwide.
Bluetooth BT-10The Bluetooth BT10 system by Pal Electronics is independent of cellular or Wi-Fi networks in the area where it is installed. The connection between the controller and the user’s smartphone is via secure Bluetooth technology, allowing only close-range opening from up to 20 meters (depending on terrain and external antenna). 100% of users in the Bluetooth system must have a smartphone! It is not possible to open the gate/door by dialing. To ensure proper Bluetooth functionality, location access must be enabled, and Bluetooth must remain activated on the user’s phone. The system will automatically detect when the user is within the Bluetooth controller's range, and the opening button in the app will start to "pulse," indicating that opening is now possible.
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